TechNode Squared offers members monthly newsletters focusing on trending topics, industries, and companies.
In the next two weeks, we are launching our next two. We’ve been getting ready for a few months, and we’re excited to share them with you.
The first, starting today, will explore trending topics in cleantech. Next week we’ll publish the first issue of In Focus: Semiconductors. All newsletter subscribers will receive free copies of the first issue. Become a member now to receive every issue in your inbox.
The start of a new five-year plan is a great time to start tracking clean tech. Beijing has made it clear that controlling carbon emissions will be a focus in the next plan period, and we expect to see even biggest investments in technologies that address emissions, pollution, and other environmental challenges.
Semiconductors is a no less timely topic. In the face of rising tensions with the US, China has become increasingly eager to source these vital components at home. But with only 6% of the country’s demand currently met by domestic companies, there’s plenty of room for growth. Funding—both private and public—has flooded into the sector in the last year.
Since the launch of our bi-weekly In Focus: Bytedance premium newsletter on March 12, 2019, we published 16 issues within seven months, covering topics such as Bytedance’s bet on AI, the difference between China’s Douyin and global TikTok, and how does Bytedance’s algorithm work.
In 2020, we explored new topics including Meituan-Dianping, China’s lifestyle super-app; Drive I/O, a deep dive into auto tech; The Big Sell, on China’s e-commerce industry; Expanding Empires, on China’s tech giants expansion abroad; and China VC Roundup, a monthly technology investment activities in China. The Big Sell and Drive I/O newsletters are continuing. Become a member now to receive them in your inbox.
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