China Tech Investor - Chinese Antritrust Exceptionalism, with Angela Huyue Zhang - Android

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China Tech Investor - Chinese Antritrust Exceptionalism, with Angela Huyue Zhang - Android

China Tech Investor Angela ZhangRecorded live on Clubhouse, Elliott chats with University of Hong Kong professor Angela Zhang about her new book "Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism."
China Tech Investor Angela Zhang

China Tech Investor is a weekly look at China’s tech companies through the lens of investment. Each week, hosts Elliott Zaagman and James Hull go through their watch list of publicly listed tech companies and also interview experts on issues affecting the macroeconomy and the stock prices of China’s tech companies.

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Recorded live on Clubhouse, Elliott chats with University of Hong Kong professor Angela Zhang about her new book “Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism.” They explore the unique structural and cultural frameworks that distinguish China’s antitrust approach from that of other prominent nations, how China may use antitrust in its competition with the US, and what investors can learn from Ant Group’s halted IPO. 

Hosts may have interest in some of the stocks discussed. The discussion should not be construed as investment advice or a solicitation of services.


  • Tencent
  • Alibaba
  • Baidu
  • Bilibili
  • Xiaomi
  • JD
  • Pinduoduo
  • Meituan-Dianping


  • Elliott Zaagman– @elliottzaagman
  • James Hull– @jameshullx


  • Angela Huyue Zhang – @AngelaZhangHK


  • Peter Isachenko

Podcast information:

  • iTunes
  • Spotify
  • RSS Feed
  • Music: “Hey Ho” by Steve Jackson, Royalty Free Music

19/03/2021 11:13 AM