Alipay, JD Digits, and Didi Finance have completely removed all interest-bearing time deposit products from their apps, just days after authorities released relevant regulations. TechNode has independently confirmed that bank deposit products have been banished from Alipay.
Why it matters: The move is the culmination of a month-long crackdown on time deposits sold through third-party fintech platforms, which is part of a wider regulatory clampdown on fintech as regulators try to rein in China’s Big Tech.
Full measures: As of Dec. 27, Alipay, JD Digits, and Didi Finance closed the app portals through which users could increase their existing deposits with banks, Chinese media reported. The outstanding balances will be returned to their accounts once the deposits have matured.
Half measures: On Dec. 15, Sun Tianqi, head of the central bank’s financial stability department, likened the partnership between banks and fintech platforms on deposit products to “driving without a license” and warned that regulatory supervision would intensify.
The risk: Small regional banks had been advertising time deposits with interest rates as high as 7% through fintech platforms.
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